This articles was published on 2012-07-22

[CW 29] mruby news

What happened this week on the mruby front?

New Module#ancestors

Matz added the new method Method#ancestors which returns a list of Modules included in the specific Module.

Commit (Module#ancestors), Discussion about Module#ancestors order

More Tests

The overall the test environment is growing happily. Several test cases were improved, refactored and added.

Commit (Add test for Kernel#extend), Commit (Add Module#extend_object and Module#extended), Commit (Add tests for Kernel#lambda and Kernel.lambda), Commit (Add test for ‘respond_to?’), Commit (refactoring on module tests), Commit (add test cases in test/t/float.rb)


After introducing last week the new switch DISABLE_STDIO, some parts of mruby broke due to the deactivation. This was fixed mainly for the mruby and mirb executable. Currently the mrbtest isn’t working due to the reason that the test application can’t print the test results :-) I will have a look later if we can just implement a small C helper method to take that task over.

Commit (make mruby work even when DISABLE_STDIO is set), Commit (make mirb work even when DISABLE_STDIO is set)

Undefine methods in Class

Matz and Masamitsu Murase changed the class definition of Class a bit by undefining Class#apped_features and Class#extend_object.

Commit (undef append_features for Classes ), Commit (Undef Class#extend_object)